Going Vegan has changed our travel – before and after stories from vegan travellers

Years ago I used to budget travel as an omnivore, and I always returned sick, skinny, and run down. Food just wasn’t a priority! When I turned vegan in 2012 my first thought and biggest concern was: “how will I keep this up while travelling?” and actually I intended not to. Little did I know that four years on not only would I be eating incredible food all over the world (and writing about it!) but that my whole travel ethos would have changed. Vegan travel has given me an amazing network of friends. I’ve stayed with vegan couchsurfing hosts, slept in vegan restaurants when I didn’t have a bed, and met up with countless other travellers through vegan networking. I was worried that it would leave me isolated and starving, instead I’ve been given something that’s an instant connection when I meet another vegan, and it’s also left me quite a bit heavier than when I left the UK two years ago.

I asked eight other long-term travellers to share their experiences of how a vegan diet and lifestyle has changed not just what they eat, but their entire travel style.


We became vegans mid-travel, after some vegan friends joined us on our European cycle tour in the summer of 2015. Longtime vegetarians, we had debated whether or not to commit to a vegan diet before leaving, ultimately deciding it would be too difficult on cycle tour. However, once our friends show us how simple it was to eat vegan while traveling, we decided to test it for a month.

Since going vegan, we visit far fewer bakeries, due to the lack of treats available for us! Eating out can pose an issue, especially meat-centric places like the Balkans or South America, but it also allows us to discover the hidden vegan dishes within a particular culture. We often stay with hosts and will whip up an amazing vegan meal as a thank you, leaving them in awe of the flavors of a plant-based diet. Veganism has allowed us the opportunity to educate others about veganism around the world.

cycling as a vegan

We are Jen, Dave, and Sora, the Australian Shepherd, from Portland, Oregon. In May 2015, Sora convinced us to quit our jobs and take her on a world cycle tour. We have cycled from Oslo to Athens, via the Balkans and Turkey and are now slowly making our way from Patagonia to Portland.


I find myself writing this 854 days (and counting) into a vegan travel adventure that has been life changing in so many ways; I had never left my home town of Southampton, England for more than 40 days prior to our Vegan Food Quest beginning so had to deal with being away from my wonderful family, my crazy friends, my beloved football team, also sustaining a vegan diet when you can no longer speak the language, read the menus and understand the labels on everything you buy presented a huge challenge for me.

How has my travel changed?

Vegan travel has helped me be more compassionate and understand that life (and the big wide world) is a very tough proposition for many of those who call it home; whether these are other humans that have to deal with living conditions that we would never encounter in England, or the animals that are treated in ways that are quite simply not acceptable, only this week an adult elephant died just 10 minutes from where I am currently based in Siem Reap, having collapsed from exhaustion after 15 years of ‘offering’ tourists rides around Angkor Wat.

I could go on about how every day is now filled with me trying to find new and exciting vegan food to eat, but those of you who are vegan and reading this will already know that, and those who are not enjoying a plant based diet might think I am exaggerating, so I won’t write about that and bore you with my NEVER ending quest for delicious vegan food…
Travelling as a vegan
Paul is 1 half of Vegan Food Quest who are on a full time adventure ‘finding, eating & writing about the best vegan food in the world’ and currently based in Siem Reap, Cambodia loving their 3rd year of vegan travel.


Being vegan has changed my travel in many ways. Mostly because I think about food all day and where I will get my next meal. Us vegans love to eat and don’t want a disappointing meal if we can stand it! Before I even choose a location to visit it must pass an unwritten vegan litmus test by going to HappyCow to see how many vegan and veg-friendly places are in the area. Then my accommodations are chosen in an area of town that has the most vegan food options. I often will choose to stay in a hostel or somewhere with a kitchen so I can make many of my meals. Not only does this save money but you know what is going into your food. I carry the Vegan Passport book with me if I’m ever stuck in a situation where I can’t communicate my dietary needs. It has never been easier to travel as a vegan. We are so spoiled!

Another thing that I was faced with while in Koh Phangan is witnessing animal cruelty first hand to produce vegan foods. I was walking out of a vegan café and saw a monkey in the trees. He had a leash tied to him and was forced to get coconuts down from the tall palm trees. I had no idea this was happening so that I could drink fresh coconut water! It was so eye-opening and jarring to think I was contributing to this without even knowing it. Sometimes our vegan foods are not free from cruelty and aren’t really vegan in the big picture. We are forced to think and act more compassionately while traveling. Animals are used more frequently for transportation in foreign countries and their habitats are destroyed for food products. We must stand up for these animals along with farm animals.

How to travel as a vegan

At Sweet Freedom

Christy Morgan has been tantalizing taste buds for years as a vegan chef, cooking instructor, food writer, and cookbook author; now athlete and certified personal trainer and yoga teacher. She is the author of Blissful Bites: Plant-based Meals That Nourish Mind, Body, and Planet and the founder and creator of Blissed Out Retreats. Christy has been to 25 countries and counting! Follow her travels on social media and check out her website for more info about her retreats and services.


Since going vegan we have had no choice but to be conscious of what kind of food we eat; and since we don’t consider animals, and animal ingredients to be food, we ask a lot of questions. Inquiring about everything we consume has led us to eating a lot healthier while travelling. Instead of just finding random mystery street food stalls, or restaurants serving unhealthy food, we search out delicious, and healthy plant foods. Being vegan has also opened us up to a whole new world of incredible food that we wouldn’t have otherwise tried. What has changed the most about travelling since going vegan is our appreciation and love for good food that didn’t come from harm.

Travel as a vegan
Giselle and Cody are creators of the ethical vegan travel blog Mindful Wanderlust. Besides their love for travel their interests include music, science, justice, animals, shapes, feelings, stuff, things, and vegan food. 


I’ve become much more of a foodie traveller since I became vegan. As a budget traveller who was trying to make my money stretch as far as possible, in the past I didn’t give much priority to eating well. All too often I would settle for greasy fast food in the interest of saving a few bucks. Now, however, I definitely allow myself to splurge more often on great dining experiences at vegan, vegetarian or even just veg-friendly restaurants. And those meals often turn out to be what I remember most about a trip!

While nature and wildlife were always major attractions for me when travelling, I now also seek out opportunities to interact with the less “exotic”, and often abused, animal species. While travelling around the island of Crete in Greece, I visited a sanctuary that cares for abandoned and abused donkeys. I’m now planning a week-long getaway next month to somewhere quiet (I’m calling it my “writer’s retreat”), and I’m hoping it will be at a farm/sanctuary in Portugal that is home to horses, dogs, cats and chickens. One drawback to my nomadic lifestyle is that it’s really not possible to have companion animals as part of my family, so I’d love nothing more than to spend a relaxing week cuddling some furry and feathered friends!

Travelling as a vegan

Wendy Werneth is an intrepid traveller, vegan foodie and polyglot who is on a mission to show you how you can be vegan anywhere and spread compassion everywhere. You can follow her adventures at The Nomadic Vegan and download her free ebook, 8 Steps for Fun and Easy Vegan Travel. You can also follow her on Facebook and Twitter.


I think for me, becoming vegan at the beginning of 2014 has been one of the most positive and rewarding decisions I’ve made in my life so far. While yes, it has influenced the way I travel in that I’m always looking up options for vegan food in the destinations I’m interested in (and indeed it sometimes even informs the specific decisions about which places to visit), the really impressive thing is that it has opened a door to a wonderfully welcoming, friendly community of awesome people.

Through veganism I’ve made some great friends, both online and offline. Sharing food has always been a very sociable activity for me, but sharing it with others who have similar attitudes to compassionate eating and finding interesting ways to make good food is for me, a fantastic way of forming new relationships and strengthening existing ones. Engaging with people who examine their choices and don’t follow the crowd just because it’s the done thing is something that has always interested me. Vegans are experts at this so they are often my favourite kind of people!

Traveling as a vegan

Sam is a blogger, freelance writer and occasional EFL teacher originally from London but now based in Berlin who travels with his husband, Zab, and blogs about it. Together, they’re always on the look out for the most hipster cafes, cool street art, quirky things to do and of course the best vegan food.


Because I have been vegan for so long and a travel agent almost as long I probably have a different perspective. I became vegan in I think 1983 and became a travel agent in 1985. I think that travel comes first and then the food.

When I first started traveling countries like England and Ireland, the food was just boring. In Germany and Austria I ate at Chinese restaurants because there was nothing else. Spain and France – I was an alien to them! For my clients I had to beg and plead on the cruise ships and call special services and fax them, and I had to yell at the airlines to make sure that they understood what vegan was (now there is just no food at all).
So that is why I have never let food options or lack of stop me. That said, I wanted to make it easier for my clients to be able to go out and see the world.

Now it is so easy it’s ridiculous! You can get vegan Gelato in Italy without asking. Germany where there was only cabbage and beer has become the mecca of veganism in Europe with over 200 restaurants in Berlin alone! There are so many stories I could write a book. I am happy to tell you some of them if you want to chat.

travel as a vegan

Donna was the official travel agent for the March on Washington For the Animals in 1990 and 1995 and that is when things began to take off for her. She runs www.greenearthtravel.com and www.irelandtrips.com, “Destinations That Make A Difference” you can contact her by email on on Facebook.


I experimented with travelling vegan for Veganuary, I had a huge amount of support and encouragement from other vegan travel bloggers. At the time, I remember being worried about being judged if I made a mistake or didn’t stay vegan afterwards – but that never happened. Everyone was so supportive, giving me advice when I needed it, encouragement when I was down, reminding me that mistakes happen and that becoming vegan takes time and dedication.

The vegan travel community were so incredible that I wanted to meet with other vegan travellers whenever I could and I always refer to their blogs all the time when I travel. It’s changed the way I travel. Now I seek out all the same awesome vegan places and meet up if we happen to be in the same area.

I make vegan food choices over vegetarian ones because I’m so much more aware of where my food is coming from and how it made it onto my plate. I shop in local food markets, look out for farmer’s markets and local produce, buy local foods, eat fruits and veggies that are in season, and eat in cafes run by local people too.<

Can I travel as a vegan

Charlie is a traveller from the UK who writes a travel blog about sustainable, slow travel and loves eating local-sourced vegetarian and vegan food around the world. Charlie took up a vegan travel challenge as part of Veganuary 2016 and travelled vegan in Bulgaria and Macedonia.

Have you tried being vegan or gone vegan while travelling? Let me know in the comments!




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An Industrial Poland Vegan Adventure – Vegan in Katowice and Gliwice – Plant-Powered Nomad

Poland. They’re all about the sausage. Or at least, that’s what my friends who live in Poland like to tell me. Being Vegan in Poland, or even vegan in Katowice and Gliwice, though, is a piece of vegan cake. Or a easy as vegan pie. Or as simple as vegan pierogi. Oh no, wait, that’s not a saying… moving quickly on, here is my guide to vegan food in Gliwice and Katowice.

Like most countries, the larger cities have plenty of vegan options. On this particular trip, though, I wasn’t in the big cities, I was visiting a friend in Gliwice. Gliwice is a pretty anonymous but nonetheless nice small city in upper Silesia, and home to just under 200,000 people – mainly Polish, with the occasional English teacher dotted amongst them. The English level in Poland is pretty high, so it wasn’t too much of an issue finding food and I taught myself to read the basic non-vegan ingredients so I could read labels on biscuits etc. It’s worth taking ten minutes to do this, especially if you’re travelling on through Central/Eastern Europe as there are similarities/crossovers with other Slavonic languages like Czech and Serbo-Croatian.

Vegan – wegańskie
Vegetarian – wegetariański
Milk – mleko
Lactose – laktoza
Whey powder – serwatka w proszku
Yoghurt – jogurt
Egg – jajka/jajo
Cheese – ser

And if you want to eat out in either Gliwice or Katowice, here are some suggestions:


I was so excited to find this relatively new restaurant in Katowice, the first all-vegan restaurant in the city. When we went to visit it was one day after International Women’s Day and so I was offered a free glass of wine, which was available to all women that week. They offer a decent range of vegan, organic wines and beers included a smoked banana beer that I tried later in the evening. Sounds weird, but tastes pretty decent and not at all like bananas, thankfully! The menu is constantly changing and improving, so instead of a paper menu you have to check the chalk board. It’s not in English but the lovely staff are more than happy to translate and offer recommendations. The restaurant is dog friendly, and they support a local dog shelter and provide food and water for visiting canines.

Vegan food in Katowice

The food itself is excellent – very tasty, decent portion sizes, creative, and very reasonably priced. The only part of the meal that I felt let the restaurant down was the dessert, but considering the work they’re putting into constantly improving the menu I have no doubt that chef will develop excellent desserts in no time at all.

Zielony Most Bistro vegan food Katowice

I tried the leek rosti with roast sweet potatoes and an avocado dip, and it was divine. My friend had the big vegetable burger – apart from the fact that I love the name, it was also excellent. A hearty and healthy vegan burger.

Zielony Most Bistro vegan food Katowice

Taste rating: healthy, satisfying, full of flavour.
Would I return?: Definitely


Mihiderka is also a pretty new restaurant, and it the first fully vegan restaurant in Gliwice. The menu isn’t in English here, either, but one of the staff members has excellent English and will happily translate and help you choose if you’re stuck between all the options. Mihiderka has a large range of burgers, and some veganized variations of Polish food. I had the Zapiekane which was similar to a shepherd’s pie but with lentils, and I then had the tofu baked cheesecake to finish. My friend had the sweet potato burger and an IPA beer. While I was waiting for my Zapiekane they gave me a salad to keep me busy, standard procedure for the Zapiekane as it takes a little longer.

Vegan food in Gliwice and Katowice, Poland

The only thing I wasn’t sold on was the cheesecake, but then I’m not a fan of baked tofu cheesecakes in general – I’ve never especially found one that manages to disguise the savoury texture. Otherwise, everything was tasty and the portions we large. The price was exceptionally reasonable. We left stuffed and happy, and ready to deal with the cold outside.

Vegan food in Gliwice and Katowice, Poland

Taste rating: good enough to pretend it wasn’t cold outside, and to blanket my spirit and soul with warm feelings for when I stepped back out into the freezing weather.
Would I return?: absolutely, in fact I met another vegan who lives in Gliwice who goes every day, and I can see why.


Bo Tak is a more established vegetarian restaurant, with vegan alternatives and options clearly marked on the menu. I liked the venue a lot, as it seems small downstairs but is light, airy and spacious upstairs with a lot of tables. The waitress was friendly and helpful. We didn’t have much time here, so we only tried one dish which was the mushrooms stuffed with olives and vegan cheese. We had to wait a little longer as the waitress told us the first one they made was too small, so because we were sharing she’d sent it back. This was very considerate of her, but the dish that arrived made us both wonder how small the first one was that this one was bigger! Each of the mushrooms was the width of my thumb. They were nice but not exceptional, but I’d like to try a few more things off the menu.

BO TAK Wege Przestrzen vegan food katowice

Taste rating: like mushrooms, olives and vegan cheese.
Would I return?: They did a good soy latte, so I’d go back for coffee and to try a different meal, but I wasn’t especially impressed by how many vegan options there were on the menu, and thought the mushrooms were overpriced for the size.


We went here for lunch, and of all the places it’s definitely my favourite for the decor. The food is a buffet with clearly marked labels in all dishes stating if they’re vegan or vegetarian, and if they’re gluten free. At least 50% of the dishes were vegan, and they were extremely well priced although the portion size seems to vary.

Złoty Osioł vegan vegetarian Gliwice

My friend ordered the goulash, and got a plateful, while I ordered a vegetable slice of sorts, and it was considerably smaller. There’s a free salad bar that you can help yourself to once you’ve ordered a dish, but being Poland everything is pickled and fermented. The food was good and hearty.

Złoty Osioł vegan vegetarian Gliwice

Taste rating: like a home cooked meal on a cold winter day.
Would I return?: For a cheap lunch that will fill me up for the afternoon, definitely.


vegan vegetarian food in Katowice Gliwice


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6 vegan meals you need to eat in 2016, and where to find them – Plant-Powered Nomad

I asked 5 vegan other travellers to tell me where the vegan meals we need to eat in 2016 are – from Brighton to vegan food in Africa, the results might surprise you.


Some of the best vegan food we’ve ever had has been at Ol Tukai Lodge in Amboseli Park, at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, in Kenya, Africa.  The chef prided himself on the vegetarian cornucopia in his kitchen.  As a matter of fact, when we arrived for our first meal at Ol Tukai, and asked the dining room host about vegetarian food, he introduced us to the chef who, he was excited to tell us, always prepared a bounty of dishes without animal products.

As it turned out, a good 70% of the food at the Ol Tukai buffet was vegetarian or vegan.  Vegetable dishes outnumbered meat dishes three to one! The chef was more than please to pose for some photos with me at his extraordinary colorful buffet.

Pictured are pasta with marinara, sweet pea sauce, ugali and traditional dark greens, dal and rice.  And that doesn’t count the salad bar, out of frame in this picture.

We have been to Africa on safari twice for two weeks at a time and the situation at every lodge has been similar.  Plenty of vegan fare, and high quality at that.  More Africa safari lodge food photos here.

Lani can be found on her website:  http://www.lanimuelrath.com, and is author of The Plant-Based Journey.

Vegan food in Africa Vegan food in Africa


In 2016, you need to eat vegan tapas! There is so much delicious vegan food all over the world nowadays that it’s actually quite difficult to pin down the best. However, I personally love sampling lots of different foods, and as many in one meal as possible. So, I’m naturally drawn to tapas, but they’re rarely all vegan. On a trip to one of my most beloved cities, Brighton, England, I heard about Rootcandi, the UK’s first 100% vegan tapas restaurant, and I had to check it out.

Six small plates of vegan delicacies on a three-tiered display stand is nothing short of a delight for all your senses. The world-inspired cuisine, like the Pan-Asain tapas platter I had, which is delicious, nutritious, and beautiful, really makes this place stand out. I’m sure this spot will mature nicely, so I definitely recommend a visit here in 2016.

Amanda is a vegan solo full-time traveler who puts the burger in Burger Abroad.

Rootcandi vegan tapas

Luckily, on this particular mission to find vegan food I had a companion. I say luckily because it was hidden down a tiny alley, off a totally different section of street than the one to which Google Maps had directed me. We eventually wandered past the sign we were looking for “Com Chay” and the word “vegetarian”. A scruffy kitten let itself be picked up and cuddled as we ordered and were told that they didn’t have half the things on the menu.

Fortunately, they did have this ‘beef’ vermicelli soup and BBQ sauce (or something similar and Vietnamese) roasted cauliflower. Despite the scruffy surroundings it stands out as one of the best meals I ate in 2015. There are many little places like this down alleys in Vietnam, just keep your eyes open and see what you find. Read more about my vegan in Hanoi discoveries here.

Amelia (that’s me) from Plant-Powered Nomad wanders the world alone teaching English and Yoga, and eating awesome vegan food along the way.

Vegan food in Hanoi Vegan food in Hanoi


Whenever I think back to the time I spent living in the small township of LuoDong in Taiwan, where I taught English for a year, I always think of this small vegetarian restaurant where we used to go to eat vegan Japanese curry, a sweet, yellow apple-based curry. It was full of fresh, seasonal vegetables and served with stream wu-gu fan (five grain rice, or purple rice).

It’s a small, local but exquisitely designed vegetarian restaurant hidden amongst sprawling apartments near to the rice paddies at the edge of town and is run by a local family who grow all their own food on their organic farm, including growing their own rice, seasonal vegetables and even making their own cheese (very rare in Taiwan).

We used to wander down on a summer’s evening after work and went by scooter in the cold and torrential rain, pleased to be welcomed in by the friendly family and ready to fill out bellies with hot curry. Even after going there every week for over 6 months, we never found out the name of the restaurant but it’s located at 54 Jingye Road opposite the Beicheng Elementary School.

Charlie is a long-term traveller from the UK who writes about simple ways to travel sustainably, including house sitting, slow travel and eating local. Check out her slow travel blog Charlie on Travel and follow her travels on Facebook.

Vegan curry in Luodong Taiwan


South-western France, the home of foie gras, is not exactly the most vegan-friendly travel destination. While the staff in local restaurants were eager to help once I explained what vegans do and don’t eat, sadly, they sometimes had trouble scrounging up enough vegetables from the kitchen to make even a decent salad. But none of that mattered, because it made the experience of dining at La Belle Verte in Toulouse all the more memorable. While La Belle Verte does serve meat, the cuisine offered here could best be described as “plant-strong”. The owners give priority to using organic, local and seasonal ingredients, and they are knowledgeable about veganism and happy to cater for vegan diners.

On Sundays, they offer a brunch that is out of this world. The menu changes each week depending on what’s available at the nearby farmers’ market, but any non-vegan items can always be substituted with vegan ones. I was presented with a plate stacked so high that a piece of toast had to be balanced on top of my pumpkin soup! It was way too much food for one person, but that didn’t stop me from eating every last morsel.

Wendy Werneth is an intrepid traveller, vegan foodie and polyglot who is on a mission to show the world how fun and fulfilling vegan travel can be. You can follow her adventures at The Nomadic Vegan and download her free ebook, 8 Steps for Fun and Easy Vegan Travel.

Vegan food in Toulouse


All the food at vegetarian restaurant Terre a Terre is brilliant and inventive. They are famed for their unusual descriptions and wacky names – to the extent that sometimes reading their menu doesn’t even help you understand what a dish is. But it’s well worth the confusion…even on occasions when I haven’t been able to deduce from the menu what my dish might be, it’s still been delicious. Case in point, a description from the menu of the dish Soubise Soubise: “Blasted buckwheat basted Roscoff onion bunged to the brim with hazel herb onion caramel nut mince served with cranberry juice kraut, radicchio pear pickle, toasted cream swede pie, roast parsnip and potato pave.”

However, Terre a Terre’s dish that set me over the edge into rapture (including noises that should not be made in a restaurant with polite company!) was their churros, or as they call the dish, Churrisimo.  The cinnamon sugar dusted doughnut sticks come with traditional thick chocolate sauce but also a few of Terre a Terre’s own unique additions: vodka soaked cherries and sea salt caramel dipping sauce.

Caitlin can be found at The Vegan Word. Caitlin is a vegan food and travel writer who has travelled to 30 countries (and counting) and just published her first book, The Essential Vegan Travel Guide.

vegan churros terra a terra

Have you eaten anywhere that you think should be on this list? Tell me about it in the comments below.

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15 stories behind the ink – tattoos from awesome travellers

Have you ever noticed that a lot of travellers have tattoos? I was standing on a train recently in Bangkok with a lot of other travel bloggers, and it being a hot country we were all showing a lot of skin – and a lot of tattoos. It occurred to me that travellers make up a very high percentage of the tattooed population. And so, I asked some fellow travel bloggers to share the stories behind the things we’ve got inked while travelling in far off lands. Incidentally, we’re all vegan travellers and you can read about why some tattoos aren’t vegan here. For my last tattoo (the bird) it was totally spontaneous so I connected to their wifi and did a quick Google of the ink they use. Luckily, it was vegan. He pretty much freehanded it so the transfer paper wasn’t an issue. And I carry a little pot of Lush ultra balm (Lush Ultrabalm Body Balm 1.5oz Tin which is lip balm, chapped hands balm, and excellent spontaneous vegan tattoo aftercare. It lasts forever, too (I used it for both of mine and still have 1/3rd left – enough for my next one?). On with the stories.

Amélie – Mostly Amélie

Durian fruit tattoo

I wasn’t going to get a travel tattoo because I think they can sometimes be a little tacky, but I have developed such an obsession with durian fruit while in Thailand that I decided to go ahead and get one tattooed on my leg. The meaning goes beyond the simple fact that I am passionate about the stinky fruit: I would say it’s a bit of a metaphor for the quest for new and exotic things I am on when exploring new countries. And the crown and “hail to the king” writing is a bit of a cheeky double sense wink to what is called the “king of fruits” and the country where I got the tattoo, Thailand and its beloved king.

Amélie is a hungry fun-loving vegan Canadian graphic designer and travel writer who’s ditched the 9 to 5 lifestyle in favor of something that lets her roam the world at her own will and follow her ever itchy feet. She is currently cycling between Istanbul and Berlin. Follow her adventures on her blog Mostly Amélie. You can also catch her on Facebook.

Randi – Veggie Visa and Just a Pack

Watercolour travel tattoo

Watercolour travel tattoo

I remember admiring Michael’s tattoo while sitting across a table from him the first time we met. It was the first one I had seen in this style and it was magnificent. The colors, the meaning, even the fact that he got it in Nicaragua made me envious.

Nearly a year later, I found myself in the same small surf town with Michael where he got his sunset backpacker tattoo. I was constantly surrounded by people with fresh ink from the same artist, Guy Mark.

I knew I wanted one of Guy’s incredible watercolor tattoos but couldn’t decide on the subject. For days I wrestled with different ideas but in the end was drawn to the splatter marks that appeared as an accent on so many of his tattoos.

About an hour before my appointment I decided I would ask Guy to design an abstract piece for me that loosely represented my intense connection to, and love for, water.

Randi is the co-founder of the travel website Just a Pack and Veggie Visa. She is a vegan, loves to cook, and is happiest when lying on a beach in a foreign country.

Facebook: Just a Pack & Veggie Visa

Twitter: Just a Pack & Veggie Visa

herbivore clothing co elephant tattoo

Tattoo Charlies in Louisville, KY

In the fall of 2011 I set out on what turned into a pretty epic adventure. I had quit my job earlier that year, got rid of almost everything I owned, and moved into a renovated Chevy van. My Dad helped build a bed in the back of it and everything! The goal was to try and eat at every vegan restaurant in the United States.

About six months into the journey I landed in Louisville, Kentucky. I’d discovered a lovely coffee shop offering a variety of vegan treats, called Highland Coffee, on Bardstown Road.

Looking around the coffee shop I realized I was about 10 tattoos short of “fitting in.” Almost everyone around me was covered and I had but one wee vegan “V” on my left wrist at the time. So, I sent out a tweet about how I needed some more ink, in order to fit in. Seconds later I received a reply from @TattooCharlies. It read, “@wtfveganfood We can help! 39 years of quality in Louisville, cruelty free inks too! No animal ingredients or testing.” I loved this for many reasons but mostly that a business took the initiative not only to keep an eye out for potential client opportunities, but to start the conversation on a note that made it clear that they “get me.” Amazing!

After a few more tweets we moved our chat to email. I learned that the shop owner had recently become vegan, as did his family, and before I knew it he’d invited me in to get a tattoo.

I hadn’t exactly planned ahead for this so when I walked in on the day of my appointment I peered down at my shirt, looked up at the artist and said, “Could you put this on my arm?” I was wearing a grey fitted tee from the Herbivore Clothing Company. It had a picture of an adorable, bubbly elephant on it that read, “I’m vegan and I love you.”
About 30 minutes later I had my first forearm tattoo as well as a horseshoe on my right wrist.
Van travel tattoos
Scapegoat in Portland, Oregon

My dear friend George (@linchipin on Instagram) is a fellow vegan foodie traveler. We first met a couple of years ago when he’d arranged a vegan lunch for some local San Fran vegans, when I’d arrived in the area during my road trip. After the meal a few of us walked across and back, over the Golden Gate Bridge, then went out for some donuts. It was an awesome day! George and I stayed in touch thereafter and would occasionally chat online about boys and food (of course).

We had a few opportunities to hangout over the years, one of which was only about a month ago when George met me in Portland, Oregon. I was there on book tour and he came out for the food and to finally get our matching tattoos! We’d been talking about getting matching “Gerty” tattoos ever since George finished reading my memoir, Will Travel for Vegan Food. He said he’d felt inspired by the journey and wanted to get a tattoo of my road trip van (ie, Gerty – short for Gertrude).

So, we planned ahead for my arrival in Portland and each booked appointments with our favorite artists at Scapegoat Tattoo; a vegan owned and operated shop on Stark St. in Portland, Oregon.

I started the day with some folks from the Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM), protesting a local dairy company, then met up with George to grab some food from Homegrown Smoker, Back to Eden, and Sweetpea Bakery, before heading to Scapegoat. I got my piece done by Aron Dubois (a black outline of the van, hand drawn rendering by artist Jacki Graziano)​ and George’s was done by John Wilson (his was based on Jacki’s art as well, and then John added in some color and accent imagery).

Even though Gerty is no longer with me she will now forever be “with” me, carrying me through life’s adventures, as she’d once done during my “Will Travel for Vegan Food” cross country road trip. D’aww.

'Limitless' tattoo in Sanskrit

No Coast Tattoo in Fargo, ND

Just before I left for my road trip my mom gifted me a t-shirt that, hidden on the *inside* bottom seam, contained the mantra, “I am limitless.” This phrase stuck with me and has very much become how my family, friends, and adventures have made me feel; as I nomad around, living out my wildest and most passion-driven dreams.

Post road trip I landed in Chicago for a few months before heading to Fargo to visit North Dakota and check it off my bucket as I only had 2 states in the country left to visit, at the time. As I was prepping to leave Chicago I had a sudden urge to finally get this piece of art that I’d been thinking about for a few years (since I got that shirt from my Mom). Since I ran out of time to plan ahead, I made an agreement with myself while on the flight out to Fargo: ‘If there happens to be a tattoo shop located across the street from whatever place turns out to be my favorite coffeehouse, only then would I commit to getting the tattoo.’

After the third or fourth day in a row at Atomic Coffee, on Broadway, I happened to notice a tattoo parlor…you guessed it, immediately across the street from the coffeehouse. THE BEST PART—I walk up to order a soy mocha latte and the woman behind the counter says, “You know, you look a lot like this vegan chick I follow on Instagram. She travels around for vegan food.” We have a good laugh, I find out she’s vegan, AND she ( @ramblinfever_ ) just so happens to be a tattoo apprentice at the shop located… yep, just across the street.

And so it goes (in Sanskrit): “Limitless.”

Kristin Lajeunesse is the author of Will Travel for Vegan Food: A Young Woman’s Solo Van-Dwelling Mission to Break Free, Find Food, and Make Love. In 2011, Kristin quit her job and moved into a renovated van in an effort to eat at and write about every vegan restaurant in the United States. Find out what she’s eating now on Facebook.

Cristina Luisa – Chronicles of a Travel Addict

Argentinian tattoo

Buenos Aires, Argentina

The first tattoo I got while traveling was in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Eight months beforehand, I’d bought a one-way ticket to EZE and swore I’d never return to the U.S. But after living in Argentina and backpacking through five other countries, my pockets were empty and I decided to return. Finding myself drastically changed from my time in South America, I wanted something permanent to always remind me of all that I had discovered. And so, two nights before my northward flight, my Ecuadorian friend and I decided we’d get tattoos together. I had been pondering this ink for months, and I still was at a loss as to how to put all of my experiences into one little tattoo. I thought of the Incan and indigenous cultures in South America and their belief in the power of four- a perfectly balanced number representative of the sacred animals, elements, and cardinal points. Overestimating my rusty artistic abilities (I had drawn my first tattoo, after all!), I drew a square- a symbol of strength and solidity. I then drew another square within, which would be colored purple to represent the third eye chakra. This would help me to see clearly and maintain my passion for travel when I returned to the United States. Coincidentally, my friend stuck with the geometric theme and got a small dot. I’ve debated on removing this tattoo, as it’s not the hottest piece of ink, but I can’t bear to erase the reminder of my beginnings as a traveler.

Kuching Iban tribal tattoo

Headhunter Studio – Kuching, Borneo

Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap. I lay on a bamboo mat in Kuching, with one man stretching the skin on my back and the other nailing ink along my spine. I had just landed in Borneo – a land I never dreamed I’d actually visit- a few hours prior and here I was, already getting inked. After serendipitously discovering Headhunter Tattoo Studio, I met Ernesto Kalum, a world-renowned artist, and jumped at the chance to get a traditional Iban tribal tattoo. Ernesto designed an intricate owl for me, representing protection, wisdom, freedom, and solitary power. The nail-tipped bamboo repeatedly submerged the ink into my skin for over three hours. There was no comparing the pain this traditional method set upon me with that of a mechanized needle. I reminded myself to breathe. Three quarters of the way through, I couldn’t take it anymore and needed pause. The owl was headless, and I seriously contemplated leaving it like that. But I’m not one to surrender. 45 painful minutes later, skin freshly swollen, the results were breathtaking. I’d endured this unexpected rite of passage, and my Iban owl will forever remind me of the tenacity and bravery I possess.

Dia de los Muertos Gato tattoo

Martian Arts Tattoo Studio – Portland, Oregon


In 2013, I went through a major life change, propelling me to finally to take a road trip from the Bay Area, California, up to the Pacific Northwest, hitting up Portland, Oregon; Seattle, Washington; and Vancouver, BC, Canada. I’d been to Seattle once before, but Portland and Vancouver were completely new territory. For some mysterious, cosmic reason, I knew I’d eventually move to Portland before ever stepping on its green city streets. Once I arrived, I was equally drawn into Martian Arts Tattoo Studio’s colorful Victorian lair, seating myself and preparing for two new tattoos done by Joanne. This incredibly talented woman, and her husband Jerry- also a brilliant tattoo artist- would eventually become my good friends as I settled into Southeast Portland. Flash forward to Halloween 2014, and I once again felt the rush of the needle buzzing into my skin. I lay on my stomach in a meditative state as Joanne etched a Day of the Dead cat calavera into my calf. This was partly an homage to my Mexican roots, but more so a dedication to my cat Cuddles, who grew with me through the awkward preteen years until my carefree post-college years. She was my soul mate, my best friend, and is still very much alive in my dreams. And now, her memory has manifested into gorgeous artwork that will be close to me, no matter where I go.

Cristina Luisa is a travel writer, photographer, and freelancer with a passion for animal rights and all things Latin America. Follow her journey on Chronicles of a Travel Addict.

Amelia – Plant-Powered Nomad

Japanese Mandala tattoo

Shi Ryu Doh – Tokyo, Japan
I had known I wanted a tattoo on my back for a long time, and being a traveller it seemed logical to get one while I was in a different country. When I moved to Taiwan I did a Google search for ‘tattoo artists in Japan’, and that led me to Shi Ryu Doh. The moment I saw his work I knew I needed to something by him, as he specialised in mandalas. Mandalas are something I’ve always loved: the geometry, the symmetry, how grounding they are. Traditionally they also represent journey through life, and so it seemed appropriate that I got them at the start of the biggest journey I’ve been on so far. A year after first finding the artist I flew to Tokyo, Japan, having quit my job and decided to travel full time, and spent two days being tattooed by the artist, Ron. His studio was tiny and full of beautiful Balinese (mainly) artwork, collected on his travels.

Thailand watercolour bird tattoo

Forever Tattoo – Chiang Mai, Thailand

I’ve wanted a watercolour bird for years, more so since I worked in the Amazon doing bird research and working with them. I admired a friend’s tattoos in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and asked if she’d got any here. She told me three of them were from a studio right by our guesthouse, and so I decided to wander in and have a look. “I want a bird, coming out of lots of colour, and it needs to be a bird that isn’t recognisable as one type of bird,” I told the man behind the desk. “You’ll have to show me what you mean,” he told me, looking confused. I pulled up my favourite watercolour artist, and scrolled down the images until I found a bird. “Like that, but with a longer tail, and more colours,” I said. The artist did it in his style, filling the colour in totally freehand, and this is what I came out with two hours later. It couldn’t be more perfect: it has colour, movement, and symbolises freedom.

After 5 years of flirting with travel I became fully nomadic when I quit my job in Taiwan in July 2015. Now I travel the world doing Yoga and eating delicious vegan food. Follow the links on the right to find all my social media doodads.

Giselle and Cody – Mindful Wanderlust


Animal rights tattoo

Jodi – Chiang Mai, Thailand
During our time at Save Elephant Foundation in Chiang Mai, Thailand, we met a solitary little dog named Nit Noi, who would roam the park as a lone wolf, and really didn’t like people touching her. She wore a red ribbon around her neck for this reason, to alert people not to come too close as she would growl or possibly bite.
While working at the dog clinic, Nit Noi came in as a patient and was diagnosed with a contagious canine venereal cancer. She had to stay in the clinic for quite a few months; and during that time, Giselle, and I cared for her, bringing Nit Noi in and out of the clinic, comforting her, and spending time with her.
Nit Noi grew to trust us. Months later her cancer was cured, and she was able to roam freely again around the park. The one thing that changed was her willingness to interact with us. She would always approach us, and I would give her belly rubs, while people would gasp and tell me to be careful as she was one of the dogs with a red ribbon. I spent a lot of evenings just giving Nit Noi love, and she would follow us around the park when we would go on elephant walks with our friend Jodi. I became very connected to Nit Noi, and decided to get a tattoo of her by Jodi.
And there was no better person to give me this tattoo, as Jodi would carry Nit Noi around as a little puppy around the park. Nit Noi is now passed, so this tattoo is especially meaningful.
Meat is murder tattoo
Jodi – Chiang Mai, Thailand
This little tattoo is self explanatory. What makes it special, is that Jodi’s 8 year old son Raki drew it up, and Jodi tattooed it on me.

Nepalese rose tattoo

French Artist – Kathmandu, Nepal
The traditional rose on my hand is an especially significant tattoo to me although I had never desired to get my hand tattooed until that day. 

Cody and I were in Kathmandu, Nepal having some lunch when two men approached us and asked if we were there for the Nepal tattoo convention.

We told them that we were not, but that we would check it out, and so we did.
I had absolutely no intentions of getting tattooed at the convention but something came over me after seeing so much beautiful work that day that I decided to get my hand done by a French artist. I knew that getting my hand done might deter someone from hiring me in the future, but it was at that moment that I had decided that I would live my life exactly as I wanted to-freely, and with no regrets, and I have been doing that ever since. The rose on my hand represents freedom, and living my life for myself, free from the expectations of others.
Thailand cat paw tattoo
Good Times Tattoo, Jason – Saskatoon, Canada
During our many times in Thailand, Cody and I lived and worked at PAWS in Bangkok for 2 months, and fell in love with a little one eyed street cat named Owl who was rescued by PAWS. We had no choice but to adopt her and take her back home with us to Ontario where she had a wonderful life at my mom’s place with a green backyard where she played and rolled around in the warm sun. We spent a lot of time with Owl, and got to learn that she was a sweeter cat than we had even known in Bangkok.
Cody and I moved to Saskatoon for 5 months this past July and said goodbye to Owl for a while. Sadly, two months into our living here, my mom contacted me to tell me that Owl was very ill.
I flew home immediately to be with her, to give her fluids, and make her comfortable until the day we had to say goodbye. It was extremely painful to see her go, as she was such an affectionate cat who was so full of life.
As soon as I flew back to Saskatoon, our good friend Jason tattooed this memorial of Owl’s little paw reaching down from a cloud on my leg.
I love this piece, as every time i see it, it reminds me of our lovely Owl.
Spider tattoo Thailand
Lady Luck – Koh Lanta, Thailand
I think by now you’ll have noticed that I adore nature, and all of the creatures that help it to thrive.

While volunteering at Lanta Animal Welfare on Koh Lanta, Thailand, Cody and I found a very talented artist named Bezt, at a great professional shop on the island named Lady Luck. I literally just chose this beautiful spider out of Bezt’s book of art, and let him choose the colours for the design. There is no deep meaning to it. I just love the bold traditional design, and nature, and all of the creepy crawlies.

Giselle and Cody started traveling full-time in 2012, and through Mindful Wanderlust the couple shares slow travel stories, great cruelty free food, cultural experiences, animal rights, education, musings on life, and colorful travel videos. Keep up with them on Facebook.

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Vegan Eats in Kyoto (and Hiroshima)

Kyoto. Kyoto, Kyoto, Kyoto. The end of my trip and the place that most frustrated me about Japan. It’s pretty, it’s full of temples, and it’s full of tourists (myself included, I know). I was so looking forwards to the vegan food in Kyoto, as everyone I talked to about it employed hyperboles such as “it’s a vegan paradise!” and “if I had to chose one city to be trapped in, I’d chose Kyoto!” (If you’re reading this and you know this was you, go and sit in the corner in shame.)

Therefore, this list will include an addendum of ‘places I wish I ate but they were always closed when I tried to go without explanation, or they’re not open on weekdays, or they only do lunch.’

Sensing my frustration yet? And while I’m at it, why for the love of all things tofu, do the cafes in Kyoto operate on bar hours? When I wake up in the morning, I want to go somewhere and work and drink coffee before, are you listening Kyoto? Before 11.30am.

Okay, rant over, let’s get on with the food. And don’t worry if I don’t seem that enthusiastic – I’m saving the best for last.

Cafe Matsuontoko


Avocado Burger


Chocolate brownie with ice cream of unknown flavour

This place I started off with cool feelings about, but it won a place in my affections because it’s pretty much always a safe bet for somewhere that’s open, it keeps hours I can get on board with, and the burgers aren’t extortionately expensive. But they’re a bit small (the whole burger will fit in the palm of my hand, my hands are pretty manly but not that big) and they don’t have that much in them: a patty, avocado if it’s the avo burger, maybe some lettuce and a sauce. Notice singular of everything. Maybe the UK spoiled me, but I like my burgers to be bursting with flavour and huge. The taste is okay, I quite liked the avocado burger and the teriyaki burger which are the two I tried, but they’re fast foody and nothing to write home about. The cafe itself is dark and gloomy with slightly odd seating, but some people like it.

The brownie is pretty good, the cream that comes with it is good too. Although right now, I’m writing this from a month long live-in yoga course which is making me detox from sugar and, by extension, cake. So everything cake like seems excellent right now.

A burger with fries will cost under 1000jpy, and the desserts are around 650. These burgers seem to be very subjective – opinions range from meh to delicious – so don’t take my word for it, go and try them if you want something a little indulgent and comfort foody.

One last anecdote: the staff may seem a little unfriendly at first, but one night I ate there alone, tried to pay and then found that I’d left my purse at home. They had no problem at all about me saying that I was going to go away and come back.

Do or don’t? Do

Food: 3.5/5

Atmosphere: 3/5

Value: 4/5

Happy Cow

Morpho Cafe


fish burger


unexciting pizza


chocolate cake

I don’t know why or how, but for some reason I seemed to be on a grand burger adventure in Japan (and yet I didn’t eat any vegan sushi, because whenever I tried places were closed! So strange). On Happy Cow the fish burger is highly recommended, so I went with the crowd and went for that. My friend had the corn and potato pizza, which was unexciting to say the least. The burger reminded me of the fast food burgers I used to eat in Berlin: the right amount of grease, the right amount of mustard… it was pretty tasty and not too expensive. We asked the man does it need an extra side of hand cut fries, he said no, we said “how many does it come with?” and he replied oh, six or seven. We ordered a side.
The cake afterwards was good, but it was shaped like it should have had a gooey chocolate centre and it didn’t, instead it was a little dry.

Do or don’t? Do

Food: 3.5/5

Atmosphere: 3/5

Value: 4/5

Happy Cow

Falafel Garden 


Baba Ganoush and Falafel pittas

This place is omni, not vegan, but whatever is vegan is clearly labelled on the menu. If it’s not labelled as vegan, it’s not vegan so don’t be caught out by the fact that some of the desserts look like they should be vegan – they aren’t. I kept trying to get falafel in Tokyo (read about that here) but it was always closed, so it was amazing to finally get my fix after over a year in Asia. The owner is Israeli and has been making falafel in Japan for 20 or so years, and his falafel is amazing – definitely some of the best I’ve had. Generous potions, lots of sauce, moist, full of flavour… I went back here three times because like Cafe Matsuontoko, they’re a safe bet for when other places are closed. They also do an excellent Baba Ganoush. A medium is 680jpy, and a plate of two different ones is a little over 1000 if you’re hungry. You’ll pay a lot less in Israel or Berlin, but in Japan it’s a cheap meal.

Do or don’t? Do if you don’t mind them also serving animal products.

Food: 4.5/5

Atmosphere: 3.5/5

Value: 4/5

Happy Cow

Cosy Cafe at Tamisa Yoga


Quiche and some pretty tasty soup


cake and chai

You’ll never guess what I’m about to say – I tried to go here twice before I managed, and both times they were shut. Argh! Was it worth it when I managed? I’m not really sure. It was nice but unmemorable. The quiche was good, the salad was good, but for what it was and the amount of food it was pretty expensive. I had a cake and a coffee after my dinner and it was pretty good, but I would have liked some sauce on my cake. Or something to make it a little more moist. However, the have a (I think raw) mango cheesecake that was always sold out when I was there, and it looks delicious. I had a chai tea latte that was good, but the one I had in Tokyo was a little better. All in all, a little average. The location is nice, it’s part of a yoga studio and they sell health food store things too. The staff were very friendly, and one commented on my vegan t-shirt (hurrah!).

Do or don’t? Maybe I’d go for coffee and cake, but not for lunch.

Food: 3.5/5

Atmosphere: 4/5

Value: 3/5

Happy Cow

Vegans Cafe


The place itself is full of things about veganism




Vegan soft serve, but no muffins on top like the Sunday

BY FAR the best in Kyoto, people aren’t exaggerating when they say that this is somewhere you have to go. I tried twice to go here and it wasn’t until the third time that I finally managed. It was worth it, I just wish I’d been able to go a couple more times and experience the full magnificence of their Ice Cream Sunday with muffin crumbled all over it, I also didn’t get to try their cake. I ordered one of their pizzas (creamy vegetable) with a thin crust (recommended), and it was so so good I would even compare it to Sfizy Veg in Berlin, which still holds the title of best vegan pizza I’ve had (except my own that I would make in Glasgow, hem hem) but only just.

And now the catch. They’re only open 11.30-16.30, and they’re closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Sometimes they’re closed at other times, too, just for fun. The pizza is about 2000, but it will fill you up to bursting point and is worth it.


Inari Shrine – just round the corner

Do or don’t? If you only eat at one place in Kyoto, go here. You can combine it with a trip to the Inari shrine, as it’s nearby (the top rated tourist attraction in Japan).

Food: 4.8/5

Atmosphere: 4.5/5

Value: 4.5/5

Happy Cow

Hiroshima – bonus city

Art Elk Cafe


The Bomb Dome – round the corner from Art Elk


Strings of origami cranes


The Bomb Domb


Udon Noodles


Chocolate cake

There aren’t any vegetarian or vegan places in Hiroshima, but there are a few vegan friendly places with vegan cake. I went to Art Elk Cafe, which has a small menu just for vegans including udon noodles, a tofu meal set, cake and coffee with soy milk. The owner is very friendly and speaks good English – very rare in Japan – and she’s knowledgeable about vegans. The cake was soft and chocolatey, and came with fresh fruit scattered around the plate.

Do or don’t? Do

Food: 4/5

Atmosphere: 4/5

Value: 4/5

Happy Cow

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